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【PS English 講師厳選!⑩】使えるビジネス英語 – 食べ物にまつわるイディオム10選!


1) In a nutshell

Meaning: 「簡潔に言うと」「要するに」

Example: “In a nutshell, we will run out of cash in three months time if we don’t increase our sales by 30%”

2) Hard nut to crack

Meaning: 難題、もしくは手強い人

Example“How can we increase sales during a recession? It’s a hard nut to crack!”

3) Put all one’s eggs in one basket

Meaning: 「一つのことに全てをかける」

Example: It’s not a good idea to rely on the domestic market and put all our eggs in one basket

4) Low-hanging fruit

Meaning: 大きな努力をせずとも達成できる・手に入ること

Example: This marketing campaign was a success. Now sales should focus on the low hanging fruit and close as many deals as possible”.

5) Sell like hot cakes 

Meaning: 飛ぶように売れる

Example: The new products are selling like hot cakes!”

6) Bite off more than you can chew

Meaning: 自分の能力以上のことをしようとすること

Example: “That’s a huge project. Are you sure you want to be in charge? Don’t bite off more than you can chew!”

7) Too many cooks spoil the broth  ‍ ‍

Meaning: 多くの人が一つのことに取り組むと逆効果である様子。「船頭多くして船山にのぼる」

Example: “I would’ve loved to have joined the project but you already have too many people on board and you know that too many cooks spoil the broth!”

8) Take with a grain of salt

Meaning: 完全には信じないこと、疑ってかかること。

Example: “Their top sales person is very charming but you need to take what she says with a grain of salt because she tends to exaggerate!”

9) The icing on the cake

Meaning: 良いことが、さらに良くなること。(ネガティブな意味でつかわれることもある)

Example: “I love my job, and getting that unexpected bonus was the icing on the cake!” (ポジティブ)

“I got fired from my job, but the icing on the cake was when it started to rain while I was walking home.” (ネガティブ)

10) Food for thought

Meaning: 考察の材料、考える糧

Example: “Thank you for your great marketing suggestions – it gave us a lot of food for thought

PS Englishでは、より自然な英語を話せるように、ネイティブスピーカーの講師が今回ご紹介したような使える英語・表現をマンツーマンでお教えします!


