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Greetings 挨拶

Hiya! meaning = Hello (commonly used between girls and women)

Hey! meaning = Hello (intonation goes down and up to show enthusiasm)

Long time no see! meaning = (Set expression) I haven’t seen you for a long time!

You alright, mate? meaning = How are you? (commonly used between boys and men)

Catching up with each other 近況報告

What’s new?

How’s the (in-laws / better half / sprogs / ball and chain) meaning = enquiring light heartedly about the mother and father in-laws / significant other / children / spouse)

Hello stranger! meaning = You are my friend, but I haven’t seen you for a long time.

Sharing good news よいお知らせ

You’ll never guess what… + explain your news

You know that (promotion / opportunity / application) I was telling you about? Well, + explain your news

I know, tell me about it! meaning = I’m very excited about this news.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head meaning = (Set expression) I was very surprised by this.

Oh my goodness me! meaning = I was very surprised by this / I’m shocked.

That’s amazing / incredible / out of this world meaning = I’m very happy for you.

Sharing bad news in a light-hearted way (あまり深刻でない)悪いお知らせ

Some you win, some you lose meaning = (Set expression) I didn’t get what I wanted but I’m not upset about it.

That (insert situation) didn’t really go to plan in the end meaning = It didn’t go how I wanted it to.

Another one bites the dust meaning = (Set expression) It failed.

I’ll pick myself up eventually meaning = (Phrasal verb) ‘I feel sad now but I will put in the work to get better again later.

Responding to someone’s news お知らせへの反応

No way! meaning = I don’t believe it!

My heart goes out to you  meaning = (Set expression) I’m sad because you’re sad.

Fingers crossed! meaning = (Set expression) Good luck

All my fingers and toes are crossed for you! meaning = Wishing you lots and lots of good luck (humorous)

I don’t get it. How did that happen? meaning = I don’t understand how this happened.

Oh dear! meaning = Oh no!

Oh dear, oh dear meaning = That’s bad

Oh, mate! meaning = I feel for you my friend (commonly used between boys and men)

Making plans 計画を立てる

How about we catch up over (coffee / a drink / dinner / lunch) sometime soon? meaning = Phrasal verb ‘meet and share our news’

Are you around on (Monday / Tuesday)? meaning = Are you available on this day?

Are you around at (the weekend / Christmas / Easter)? Are you available?

Saying goodbye お別れのあいさつ

I’ll be seeing you meaning = See you soon

Catch you later! meaning = Bye!

Really sorry but I’ve got to shoot off meaning = phrasal verb ‘leave soon’

Chiao for now! meaning = See you soon! (Commonly used between girls and women. And yes, the first word is Italian!)

Person A: See you later alligator

Person B: In a while, crocodile (light-hearted comment and response between two people saying goodbye to each other)



PS English 講師 エマ

PS Englishでは、より自然な英語を話せるように、ネイティブスピーカーの講師が今回ご紹介したような使える英語・表現をマンツーマンでお教えします!


