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PS Teachers – Meet our teachers! ⑨


PS Englishには、60名を超える経験豊富な英語講師がおり、無料コンサルテーション後、校長ピーター自らが各生徒さんにぴったり合った講師をお選びします。


名前:Emma Lauson

Q: What teaching qualification do you have?


Q: What is your area of teaching EXPERTISE?

A; Business English, IELTS, 121 teaching, British English pronunciation 

Q: Which TV shows and movies do you recommend for our students?

A: Love Actually, About a Boy, Mamma Mia

Q: What do you love about teaching English?

A: I see language like a jigsaw puzzle, and I love working together with my students to help them put the pieces together to make a picture. It is very rewarding seeing students become more confident and flexible with their use of language. 

Q: What is your connection with Japan and teaching Japanese people?

A: I did a 1-year international exchange programme in Europe (Spain and Portugal) when I was studying foreign languages at university, and during this time I made friends with a Japanese international student who was studying ceramics. We are still friends now, 20 years later! She originally introduced me to Japanese culture and traditions, and I nowadays I am learning more and more from my students at PS English. It is fascinating! 

Q: What do you do when you are not teaching? 

A: I enjoy writing, playing and recording my own music. In fact I have made an album with 11 of my original songs. I sing and play guitar. I write lyrics and create my own melodies. I love to entertain the audience and put a smile on people’s faces. If you want to learn more, go to I have music on Spotify, YouTube, itunes etc. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment on my social media and I will reply to you! 

PS Englishでは、ロンドン・イギリスだけでなく、オンラインで世界中に拠点を置く日本人の皆様を対象に、英会話教育を行っています。より自然な英語を話せるように、ネイティブスピーカーの講師がマンツーマンでレッスンを行います。


