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「悪い知らせ」を聞いた時どう答える? – 健康編




最後には「get well soon」の様々な言い方もご紹介します。

シナリオ1- 急な入院

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”


A:           My aunt’s in hospital after having a fall the other day.

B:           Oh I’m so sorry to hear that.

               How’s she doing? / How serious is it?

  • An exclamatory “Oh!” is often heard at the start of the expression, indicating shock at the news.
  • Notice the options for a follow-up question.
    It is common when hearing bad news to ask for more details, out of concern.
  • How + adjective is a very useful question formulation. It is enquiring about the degree of the problem or situation.
  • In response to a how + adjective-type question, you will often hear an adverb such as:
    very [serious], quite [serious], not very [serious], not [serious] at all.

シナリオ2– 軽傷

“Oh dear!”

A:           My son banged his head against the door. He’s ok, but has a nasty bruise.

B:           Oh dear.

               These things happen though, don’t they.

  • The response is less intense and sympathetic, as the listener has judged the situation not to be too serious.
  • There is no follow-up question, as the listener understands that toddlers sometimes have minor accidents. Nonetheless, to end the response with saying anything else feels awkward.
  • These things happen. This is a useful non-judgmental expression to express understanding that accidents do happen and are not anyone’s fault.

シナリオ3– 軽症

“That’s a shame.”

A:           We couldn’t go to the party because we all caught colds.

B:           Oh that’s a shame.

               I’m sure they were sorry you weren’t there.

  • Catching a cold is generally considered not to be serious, so “that’s a shame” is sufficient. Note therefore that this expression is used for less serious issues.
  • “I’m sure they were sorry” – sorry in this context means disappointed. The hosts of the party were probably disappointed that you couldn’t join.

シナリオ4– 死去

“I’m so very sorry for your loss.”

A:           My father passed away the other day.

B:           Oh no! That’s so sad.

               I’m so very sorry for your loss.

               If there’s anything I can do for you, don’t be afraid to ask.

               I’m here for you if you need to talk.

  • Obviously with a language barrier or not, this is one of the most difficult conversations to have.
  • Such a response will often start will expressions of surprise or disbelief.
  • Only then should you use a fixed expression such as “I’m sorry for your loss”, otherwise it will sound cold and robotic. It can be humanised with emphasisers such as so and very.



Get well soon!’ お大事に!


Get better soon!
  • I hope s/he makes a speedy recovery.

When a serious illness has some likelihood of being cured


  • hope s/he feels better soon.

When a minor illness is on-going 軽度の疾患が継続している場合

  • I’m glad s/he’s over the worst of it.

When the most serious phase of an illness has been successfully treated 


PS Englishでは、ロンドン・イギリスだけでなく、オンラインで世界中に拠点を置く日本人の皆様を対象に、英会話レッスンを提供しています。より自然な英語を話せるように、ネイティブスピーカーの講師がマンツーマンでレッスンを行います。



