【PS English 講師厳選!④】体の部位を含むビジネス英語イディオム10選
1) Word of mouth
Meaning: 口コミ、人が会話を通じて情報を共有すること
Example: Due to our very high quality standards, most of our customers are through word of mouth

2) See eye to eye
Meaning: 意見が一致すること
Example: The senior management all see eye to eye on the new marketing strategy
3) Hands are tied
Meaning: 自分の思うように自由に行動できない (規制や立場上など)
Example: “I’m very sorry that you’re not happy with our service, but my hands are tied, there’s nothing more I can do
4) Have a finger in every pie
Meaning: 色々なことに関与する、首を突っ込む
Example: Everywhere Corporation have a finger in every pie: they’re involved in everything from food manufacturing to IT and children’s toys

5) A shot in the arm
Meaning: 突然の援助(通常は金銭的なもの)
Example: Our company had big cash-flow problems for some time, but we were given a shot in the arm by some foreign investors who saw the potential in the UK market
6) A knee-jerk reaction
Meaning: 何も考えずに衝動的に反応すること
Example: Making 50% of the workforce redundant was a knee-jerk reaction to the poor financial result for fiscal year 2023.
7) On the back of…
Meaning: 外的要因の結果として成功すること。
Example: Our IT company has done well on the back of the increase in internet speed
8) Our lips are sealed!
Meaning: 秘密保持の約束
Example: “Oh don’t worry, until the press release announcing the merger our lips are sealed!”

9) A kick in the teeth
Meaning: 深刻な、しばしば屈辱的な、または損害を与える打撃。
Example: It was a real kick in the teeth when we lost the government contract we’ve had for over 10 years
10) To have a nose for
Meaning: 成功する方策や戦略に対する優れた直感を持つこと。
Example: “You know Max has an excellent nose for a good opportunity, he’s been right on a number of occasions

PS Englishでは、より自然な英語を話せるように、ネイティブスピーカーの講師が今回ご紹介したような使える英語・表現をマンツーマンでお教えします!