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How to speak like a leader in natural British English

When you think of a great leader, who comes to mind? Is it someone in your family? In your community? On TV? We are all inspired by different leaders from our different walks of life, but have you noticed that leaders have similar language traits? It’s true! And what is even more mind-blowing is that the phrases of leadership that leaders use can get them noticed, respected, and listened to. Sometimes you don’t even need many words to do this, but in truth the words you do choose can make a big difference.

What this means is that as a learner of natural British English, you too can take on leadership qualities through the choice of words that you use. You can use phrases to make you sound diplomatic, motivating, interested in others, decisive and focussed. Which phrases can you use for this? Check out my list below.

Language List

Reassuring others that you are carefully listening to them

I hear you (neutral)

Yes, I follow (neutral)

I know what you mean (neutral)

Motivating others and agreeing with them

Absolutely (neutral)

We’re on the same page (neutral) – meaning = ‘in agreement about what we are trying to achieve’ (adjective).

That’s bang on (informal) – meaning = ‘exactly right in your opinions or actions’ (adjective).

Appreciating someone’s idea but not using it. 

Let’s put it on the back burner for now. – (neutral) – meaning = ‘save this idea for later. We can’t use it now’ (phrasal verb)

That’s a good point/idea/suggestion, (NAME), but it’s not something we can take up right now because… (neutral) – meaning = ‘start doing a particular job or activity’ (phrasal verb)

Leading the conversation

Thank you for your comment, (NAME). Now, as I was explaining… (formal)

Now, as I was saying… (neutral)

Turning back to the point in question… (neutral) – meaning = ‘returning’ (phrasal verb)

We need to consider/think about… (neutral)


The first thing we must do is… (formal)

The first thing we have to do is… (informal)

Our top priority is… (neutral)

Our objective is to (do something) by (due date). (neutral)

Motivating others.

This will be a great way to build on our existing success in… (neutral)

When everyone pulls together, we…  (neutral) – meaning = ‘works hard as a group to achieve something’ (phrasal verb)

“Teamwork makes the dream work” (informal) – cliché / funny phrase often used light heartedly

Have you heard your favourite leader use any of these phrases? If there is anything they say that you would like to add to the list, or anything you try that has positive results, let us know in the comments below!

We love to hear your success stories here at PS English!

With some practice you too can speak like a leader. Good luck!

Take care,


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